about Konark Public School

KONARK PUBLIC SCHOOL is affiliated to The Council For the Indian School Certificate Examination New Delhi. K.P.S is Unaided and Private school managed by K.S.S. Affiliation of school is permanent up to senior secondary level. Science / Commerce / Humanities streams are available for senior secondary students. Medium of instruction is English and our mother tongue Hindi. School is co-ed. We provide two streams from class IX onward- science and commerce.
ICSE- Secondary (10’Th standard)
ISC – Senior Secondary (12’Th Standard)
Admission Procedure
- The application for admission shall be accompanied by an authentic document containing the child’s date of Birth and Aadhar card.
- Child seeking admission should be introduced by mother/father or guardian who shall remain responsible for their ward’s monthly fee / regular attendance and good conduct
- All documents requested for admission become the property of school and non-refundable, hence Xerox copy duly attested should be submitted.
- The merit followed by written test and personal interview is sole criterion of school.
- Parents seeking for admission of their ward are required to get admission form from school reception counter by paying form charges.
- Admission to the class IX is based in VIII class result followed by a written test in main subject as English / Science / Maths. School provide two streams from IX class onward. Science and Commerce.
- Admission directly to X and XII class are not considered at any stage. Only transfer candidates will be considered after getting approval of the CISCE ( Council for the Indian school certificate examination, New Delhi)
• Fee structure will be available at school counter.
• The fee may be paid for the whole academic year ie. 12 Months.
• Fee is deposited by Cash / Cheque/ by net banking. If cheque bounces, charges
will be levied Rs.200. and from next time school will not receive any payment through
• Fee concession will not be considered in any case.
• Transport fee – 11 months will be charged.
• Fee deposit date of every month is day 1 to 10. After 10 days, Rs.5/ per day will
be charged as late fee fine.
• If fee is not paid continuously for two months without any information, name of
student will be stuck off from school register. Readmission will be considered by
paying complete pending fee along with fine charges.
• Any type of fee deposited is not refundable.
• School is under CCTV surveillance.
• All school/student’s related information being send through SMS and by phone immediately.
Parents are required to update their mobile no. time to time.
• There is facility of smart board classes in each section.
• We do care a lot for hygiene and health of students. There are separate toilets
for Girls and Boys. Permanent sweepers are appointed to look after sanitation during
and after school.
• Fresh mineral water coolers on each floor for the students.
• No student can leave school without permission of head of school.
School Timings
8.00 AM to 1.45 PM (SUMMER)
9.00 AM to 2.00 PM (WINTER)
Students are not allowed half day leave. In case of ailment parents can take their
ward with due permission of head of school.
• Every student must carry his/ her diary / I. Card to school every day.
• Students must reach the school on time and be regular in attendance, late comers
will be penalised with a fine.
• Every student must be in neat and tidy uniform. Those found in improper uniform
will be fined and sent back to home.
• Students are required to converse in English during school hours.
• The school is not responsible for goods lost. It is not advisable for the children
to bring valuable articles to school.
• Students will be liable to pay fine for damage or disfigure for the school property.
• Any incident even outside the school which bring discredit to the institution
either because of its unpleasant nature or if it invites criminals, legal action
by the police or a court will be severely dealt with and the student responsible
may be dismissed from school with further enquiary.
• The school reserves the right to dismiss a student’s admission whose progress
in studies is unsatisfactory or whose conduct is anti- social or objectionable.
• Celebration like birthday party is not permitted in school campus.
• Food items containing meat and eggs are not permitted in school. The students
are not allowed to bring cakes, pastries etc. made up of eggs. Parent’s co-operation
is required in this regard.
• There will be no re-test in any subject or in any class. A student absent from
an examination will produce a medical certificate of his /her illness ( if it is
so ).
• Result will be given to parent only after each & every examination.
• Attendance of parent is compulsory in PTM.
• Be prepare yourself for change in rules and regulation, it depends on local administration
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